Revision (02-16-07
Twisted Pair and Coaxial Compatible
High Impedance Transceiver HIT
• ARCNET on Twisted Pair or Coaxial Cable
• Drives Shielded and Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
or Coaxial Cable
• Compatible with Existing ARCNET Installations
• 2.5 Mbps operation
• Supports Star, Bus, and Daisy Chained
• Enhanced Built-in Filters for Reduced EMI
• Twenty Pin Single In-Line Package
• Straight or Right Angle Lead Frame
• New Reduced Size
The HYC9088A Twisted Pair and Coaxial Compatible High Impedance Transceiver (HIT) is a hybrid module that
interfaces an ARCNET Local Area Network controller to one twisted pair or coaxial cable. The HIT interfaces directly with
Standard Microsystems Corporation's ARCNET LAN controllers operating at 2.5 Mbps and connects to a variety of
shielded and unshielded twisted pair or coaxial cables via an on-board transformer. The network topologies supported by
the HIT are daisy chain, star, and bus configurations.
During data transmission, the HIT converts the digital pulse information provided by the ARCNET LAN controller into
analog signals and drives them onto the cable. The transmitted signals are filtered to eliminate undesirable frequencies.
The receiver section of the HYC9088 identifies dipulse signals on the cable and converts them into TTL signals to be
supplied to the ARCNET LAN controller.
The HIT supports ARCNET's Dipulse Encoding Scheme and, is 100% compatible with all existing coax-based ARCNET
networks. This provides an ARCNET network designer with flexibility to easily combine coax and twisted pair cabling.
Order Number(s):
HYC9088A R for right angle lead frame leaded package
HYC9088A R-LF for right angle lead frame lead-free RoHS compliant package